Overhead Farm Tank Package for Non-UL Farm Applications

Please call at 303-321-6428 or email info@millsequipment.com for inquiries on special order items, check availability, and to place an order. Tank and stand will be painted "tan". Standard Package Includes: Tank, Stand, MB 179 Fill Cap, MB 200 UL or L Nozzle, MB 699F Ball Valve, HBD 1"x12' Farm Hose and RC Float Gauge.




Dimensions (D x L)

150 Gal  w/ 7' SD Stand 14G 30" x 48"
300 Gal

 w/ 7' SD Stand


38" x 60"

500 Gal w/ 7' SD Stand 14G 50" x 60"

1,000 Gal

w/ 2-7' SD Stand


50" x 120"